Learn our proven system for excelling in the Assessment Center, Oral Board Interview, and Written Exam.


Today was a career changing day for me. I have waited many years for the opportunity to take a promotional exam and recently completed the process. I am excited to inform you that I placed #1 on the list! I cannot thank you enough for taking the time and providing me with the skills to organize my thoughts and the strategies that I needed to study for this exam. You have a proven method on how to be successful during the assessment process. You were able to provide me with the skills I needed to not only be successful during the promotional process but as a future supervisor.

Abner V, Miami Shores PD, November 2017

Thanks TIm, I went from 37 to 5 on the final list for the Lieutenants promotion here in Detroit.

Scott H, Detroit, November 2019

I was promoted yesterday to Sergeant and wanted to reach out to you and thank you for all your guidance. I was able to score at the top of my promotional list and believe you were instrumental in my success. Thank you very much, and I will seek your guidance once more for my next promotional exam. Thanks again.

Sergeant Mario M, Miami PD, October 2017

I wanted to extend my gratitude for the guidance and training you provided me in preparation for my 2015 Sergeant promotional exam. I attended all of your group workshops as well as private sessions with you during my final preparation for the Oral Boards. Your training provided me with a priceless framework and foundation to succeed. I was very impressed with your experience and knowledge of the oral board process. Most importantly, I felt that you provided me with an inside look at what assessors are really looking for. With your help, I was able to place #1 in the written portion of the exam in which approximately 200 officers participated. After the written portion of the exam, I came back to you to prepare for the oral boards. After a few group and private sessions, I was able to build my confidence and understanding of the oral boards to the degree that I also placed #1 in the final promotional list! Now with a Lieutenant promotional exam in the horizon, I will definitely be attending your training once again.

Sgt. Luis S, City of Miami Police Department, 2015